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Changes in programme completion deadlines:
Thesis submission NEW deadline: Mon 29 Apr 2024
Final exams registration period NEW DATES: 8–15 May 2024
The final examination is a two-part oral exam which takes place in the penultimate week of the examination period:
1. Thesis defence: the candidate answers the opponents' questions as specified in the thesis reports. Each MA thesis is reviewed by two opponents, an internal (a member of the Institute of English and American Studies at PPCU), and an external one (an academic with a PhD or equivalent degree, not employed by PPCU). The reports are made available via Neptun no later than one week prior to the beginning of the final exam period.
2. Discussion of readings: the MA thesis has to include a reading list prepared for the final exam by the candidate, in consultation with their supervisor. All items on the list should be connected to the broader field of the thesis itself, but they cannot include any item that appears on the Works Cited list of the thesis. The list must include 5 books, or 10 articles or chapters (or any combination of these, counting one volume as equivalent to two articles); both primary works, if relevant, and secondary, theoretical writings. In the final exam, the members of the examination committee and the supervisor ask questions based on this reading list. The list must be included in the printed and digital versions of the thesis (ideally after the Works Cited section, under a separate heading) when they are submitted to the Registrar's Office and uploaded to the Neptun system.
The grade that you receive for the final examination is the average of the following grades: the two thesis reports, the thesis defence and the discussion of the readings.
1. Bírálat alapján szakdolgozati védés.
2. Irodalomlista. Állítson össze a hallgató a témavezető segítségével a szakdolgozat leadásáig egy olyan irodalomlistát, amely a szakdolgozat tágabb témaköréhez kapcsolódik — a lista tartalmazzon 5 könyvet, vagy 10 cikket, legyen köztük primér és szekundér, elméleti mű is, de ezek a művek ne legyenek azonosak a szakdolgozatban hivatkozottakkal. A záróvizsgán ezekből lesz a vizsga, a témavezető és a bíráló tanár együttesen feleltetik a hallgatót. A listát a szakdolgozattal egybekötve kell leadni a Tanulmányi Osztályon.